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Community Status Updates
Nick Admin
T-Mobile made me change my password to meet their new security standards. However, they don't allow spaces or special characters...
Feb 22 2012 02:15 AM
Nick Admin
RT @thinkgeek: Today in Geek History: W Christensen & R Suess made flame wars possible when they launched 1st BBS in 1978. Enjoy, SysOps!
Feb 16 2012 01:45 PM
Nick Admin
RT @MensHumor: I wish Facebook would notify me when people deleted me, that way I could "like" it.
Feb 15 2012 07:45 PM
Nick Admin
This is amazing. -- Photoshop CS6 Can Magically Move Around Any Object In Your Photos (via @Gizmodo) http://t.co/toSTFcCV
Feb 15 2012 02:00 PM
Nick Admin
What Your Favorite Video Game (Series) Says About You | Slacktory http://t.co/1w2fPeje via @slacktory
Feb 10 2012 12:39 PM
Nick Admin
RT @envatowebdesign: Vendor Prefixes - about to go south http://t.co/SkKH3Qh8
Feb 09 2012 12:00 PM
Nick Admin
Remember when Comodo was breached and the Iranian government got some SSL certificates? This video tells the sad story. http://t.co/eyy9ZHxW
Feb 08 2012 11:45 PM
Nick Admin
Win amazing indie video games from @WindowsAppstorm in their fortnightly video game giveaway http://t.co/icTZszr5
Feb 08 2012 02:30 PM
Nick Admin
I have a 2-minute 2GB standard-definition video on my network. What the hell was I thinking when I rendered that?
Feb 08 2012 10:15 AM
Nick Admin
Today is just one of those days where I'm really hating Windows and some of the weird things it does...
Feb 04 2012 09:30 PM
Nick Admin
So, I've been playing some of this Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I've been told to go to rooms 404 and 802-11 so far today.
Feb 04 2012 06:00 AM
Nick Admin
This is brilliant... IT department achievements. Maybe someday/decade I'll write an IP.Nexus hook to track these. http://t.co/dfxyhSmq
Feb 02 2012 07:30 PM
Nick Admin
803GB of Recorded TV... I really wish I could compress these files, but TWC sure does love that copy-once flag.
Feb 02 2012 07:15 AM
Nick Admin
It's sickening to see how much time and money is poured into pursuing pirates and developing DRM.
Feb 02 2012 02:30 AM
Nick Admin
.@Steam_games Mobile app out of beta already? Reverse Valve Time in full effect, I see. Too bad there's no #WindowsPhone version.
Jan 31 2012 07:48 PM