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Nick Admin
Wow, it takes a really stupid and incompetent software company to get this many apps to crash all at once. http://t.co/I0ObYqi3
Jan 31 2012 01:15 AM
Nick Admin
Some political survey taker just called me. Bad idea... The data they got from me is certainly counter-productive.
Jan 27 2012 08:28 PM
Nick Admin
I just signed up for Wunderkit! Use this link to get early access to the beta. - http://t.co/0dsMeyFm via @6Wunderkinder #Wunderkit
Jan 26 2012 09:15 PM
Nick Admin
RT @thinkgeek: Not to alarm you, but there's something on your back... http://t.co/gU77bDcj
Jan 23 2012 12:30 PM
Nick Admin
RT @benlower: Why do we need #SOPA again? The feds didn't need it to take down Megaupload. /cc @techmeme
Jan 20 2012 03:15 PM
Nick Admin
My CPU has run at 100% for 17 hours, just to render a single image. Max temp was 53*C. I love this cooler.
Jan 20 2012 05:10 AM
Nick Admin
I like how Time Warner's site say that when you subscribe to Starz, you'll get "all" their HD channels free. I'm only getting 2 of 6 in HD.
Jan 15 2012 07:04 AM
Nick Admin
If you're going to make people register on your site to vote in a "People's Choice Award," it's really a "Users-of-Our-Site Choice Award."
Jan 12 2012 07:47 AM
Nick Admin
Jan 10 2012 06:45 AM
Nick Admin
Join me and vote Twilio for Best Cloud Service for the 2011 Crunchies awards! http://t.co/MJAS2v9I #crunchies
Jan 05 2012 05:45 PM
Nick Admin
I've made 12 purchases on Steam in the past 2 weeks. I think I have a problem. http://t.co/eRrAL4hZ
Jan 02 2012 03:15 PM
Nick Admin
My eyes burn whenever I see green text with a red highlight in emails.
Dec 29 2011 10:45 PM