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Community Status Updates
Nick Admin
RIAA President holds massive weight over your family - http://t.co/MpAdGAUl http://t.co/W2az5SwM via @neowinfeed
Mar 17 2012 12:30 AM
Nick Admin
Something gives me the oddest feeling that Facebook's going to be bringing timeline to the news feed sometime soon...
Mar 16 2012 09:58 AM
Nick Admin
Words truly cannot express my hatred towards how resource-hungry Java is...
Mar 15 2012 10:45 AM
Nick Admin
Well, this explains all of the issues I've been having with my development MySQL server lately... http://t.co/UzcywD4s
Mar 13 2012 06:55 AM
Nick Admin
Getting 100% active time but very little disk I/O on a hard drive. Pretty sure a power failure caused this. Any ideas for fixing it?
Mar 06 2012 05:53 PM
Nick Admin
"Bugs that didn't deserve to be fixed in a weekly fashion." IMO, every bug should be fixed ASAP to provide an enjoyable experience. #SWTOR
Mar 05 2012 12:15 PM
Nick Admin
Quote of the day: "I'm gonna make a bomb shelter out of old Nokia phones."
Mar 05 2012 12:00 AM
Nick Admin
"Cat naps on router, ISP provides decoy router in exchange for pictures." http://t.co/00PXRIx0
Mar 02 2012 06:00 PM
Nick Admin
Ever since I've set Firefox to ask me to allow/deny individual cookies, I've noticed how horribly some sites manage their cookies.
Mar 01 2012 12:15 AM
Nick Admin
Anyone want any of these coupons on Steam? Last day to use them. http://t.co/RAyyszPE
Feb 29 2012 06:45 PM
Nick Admin
As if you all haven't already heard... RT @Windows: The Windows 8 Consumer Preview is here! http://t.co/yOzePgxs #Windows8
Feb 29 2012 02:00 PM
Nick Admin
There's an 8.4Tbps cable between India and Singapore. Mind blown. When can I get one of these run to my house? Oh, and a few more HDD's.
Feb 28 2012 05:45 AM
Nick Admin
Delayed desktop upgrade, but great news for my next laptop. "Intel Ivy Bridge launch delayed until June" http://t.co/VBK2mYuY
Feb 27 2012 04:45 PM
Nick Admin
RT @IndieGala: Here we go with Happy Hour! Follow us and RT this if you want a chance to win an Epic Gala Bundle on http://t.co/3nUHclfL !
Feb 24 2012 10:00 PM
Nick Admin
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is 66% off on Steam this weekend. Great game if you're into shooters. Only $17 (incl. all DLC)
Feb 24 2012 12:30 PM