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Member Since 15 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 18 2017 09:08 AM

In Topic: Which web Editor do you use?

13 May 2011 - 04:11 PM

How far have WSIWYG editors come? It's been a long time since I tried one, but are they still an utter mess on the coding end?

The only good one I know of anymore is Nvu and it's too old to conform to any modern standards, plus it's glitchy. It's still good for basic HTML though, it produces the cleanest code I've seen from any of them. With PHP or CSS, it falls dramatically short though. It will confuse Nvu to no end and your code will be formatted inside and out until it becomes basic html again, or just removes the block of code altogether.

So, WSIWYG editors are ancient and unreliable, still.

In Topic: Best Alternate Operating System?

25 April 2011 - 10:40 PM

Minimal Debian + KDE

In Topic: Second Life

12 January 2011 - 01:57 AM

I'm on and off, I usually only play to toy with LSL. Sometimes to benchmark my computer.

In Topic: [VB] SendKeys

24 December 2010 - 01:01 PM

I would assume SendKeys just sends virtual keystrokes, to no particular application. In this case, on most computers notepad won't open instantly, meaning the sent keystrokes won't be registered by notepad but by the VB application itself or another application. Another issue to consider is if another application takes focus while you're waiting for notepad to open. The best idea here is to send the keystrokes the instant notepad has focus, if possible. I'm more of a C# programmer, but in .NET it should generally all be the same. Just some thoughts for anyone looking to include this in their application!

In Topic: Best game on the PS2?

02 December 2010 - 04:31 PM

Crash Bash is my favorite PS2 game, I'd find it and hook it back up to play it or any other racing game.