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Member Since 12 Feb 2012Offline Last Active Sep 24 2014 10:34 PM
About Me
I administrate and moderate the GameOn365 Minecraft server. Any questions or concerns can be directed to me. I am very close friends with all administrators and moderators on the Minecraft server and will solve any problems you may encounter as soon as possible.
On a more personal note, I live near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, working as a lifeguard at a small, local swimming pool. I plan to attend the University of Pittsburgh in the fall of 2013 as a Biochemistry/Pre-Med major, pursuing a career in the field of medical research or as a general surgeon. In addition to Minecraft and a few FPS's, I am also an avid World of Warcraft player.
Felynesas - Level 85 Night Elf Druid, Stormrage
Kumarin - Level 85 Orc Hunter, The Forgotten Coast
Shadowbad - Level 85 Goblin Warlock, The Forgotten Coast
Glanthelle - Level 66 Human Warrior, The Forgotten Coast
On a more personal note, I live near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, working as a lifeguard at a small, local swimming pool. I plan to attend the University of Pittsburgh in the fall of 2013 as a Biochemistry/Pre-Med major, pursuing a career in the field of medical research or as a general surgeon. In addition to Minecraft and a few FPS's, I am also an avid World of Warcraft player.
Felynesas - Level 85 Night Elf Druid, Stormrage
Kumarin - Level 85 Orc Hunter, The Forgotten Coast
Shadowbad - Level 85 Goblin Warlock, The Forgotten Coast
Glanthelle - Level 66 Human Warrior, The Forgotten Coast
Community Stats
- Group Administrator Admin
- Active Posts 23
- Profile Views 12168
- Member Title Ban Team Leader
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday October 24, 1994
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Soccer, Track&Field
GameOn365 Services
- Minecraft Username
- Twitter @Scottphillips38
- Steam ID felynesas