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Member Since 07 May 2011
Offline Last Active May 16 2011 05:00 PM

First game on PlayStation

08 May 2011 - 05:08 AM

So what the first game and the first PlayStation you played that game on?

My first game was Crash Bandicoot 3 that I played on PlayStation One.
That game is the reason I bought PlayStation and even today you can sometimes find me in the living room playing that same game or some other from the same series.

I collected all the Crash games that were released on PlayStation One and I enjoyed every and each one of them.

So whats your story tell it here.:laugh:

Do you hate it when they don't want to end the series?

08 May 2011 - 04:58 AM

You know when you find a great series and you really enjoy it.

And after some time you think its going to end and your already afraid of the very same end, but then it happens they lengthen the show or the series.

After some time you see that it isn't the same series you watched at the beginning.
The show/series gets boring and it seems like they just want it to go on forever.:unsure:

Then you start wishing for the end because it doesn't make sense anymore.:thumbsup:

This has happened to me a lot of times and I personally hate it when they do this to my favorite show or TV series. They make a soup opra out of it just so that they can have more episodes without caring for the events in the series.

Do you hate when this happens, I mean it's great to watch a show but everything has to have it's end sooner or later and it's better sooner when it's good then later when you start to hate it.

Has the quality of modern PC games decreased?

07 May 2011 - 02:42 PM

Well like the title says I'm asking you what you think has the quality of modern PC games decreased?

I personally think it has because today its more about the graphics and the look of the game then it is about the story immersion and the whole gameplay of the game.

I find myself getting bored with the modern games before even getting to the half of them or I come to the very end and I just don't finish them.:down:

While the old games I remember and do play even today and I beat them at least 3 times and I enjoy them fully as I have enjoyed them the first time I played them.:rolleyes:
The new ones just don't seem to stick with me.:confused:

I think if this continues the PC games will lose their fans, because they are becoming to much repetitive. :wacko:

So what are your thoughts on this?

Big Hello from Ahajir

07 May 2011 - 05:08 AM

Hi there everybody.

I'm Ahajir. As you can see I'm new here. :biggrin:
I like to play games and I enjoy doing Photoshop.

I'm looking forward to meeting new people and finding new games to play.
You seem like a live and active community. I'm glad I have a chance to be a part of your community.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. :teehee: