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Member Since 27 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active May 04 2011 07:54 AM

In Topic: Favourite hobby?

04 May 2011 - 07:34 AM

My favorite hobbies are swimming , reading books and writing poetry. Me and my friends would usually hang out by the pool if the weather's fine, we'd spend all the day there. I write a little bit of poetry whenever I don't have anything else to do , it helps me take my mind off of other things :)

In Topic: Do you like to travel? Where was the last place you traveled and when?

04 May 2011 - 07:18 AM

Cool. The last place me and my family traveled to was a place called Cebu here, visited all the tourist attractions , chilled by the hotel pool , really enjoyed my summer just hanging out with my family ;3

In Topic: Favorite Shows?

27 April 2011 - 11:38 PM

My current favorite show would be The Big Bang Theory. It's about 4 nerds coping with everyday life issues and dealing with them in their own way. Meeting women, doing their work, and going to comic bookstores, this show is really worth watching to help pass the time and get a good laugh if you need one ;)

In Topic: In 2012, will the world end or aliens, ufo or extra dimensional beings would...

27 April 2011 - 11:34 PM

Sadly , there are some people out there being deluded into thinking that by 2012 the world as we know it will come to an end. There is even a site called Vivos or TerraVivos selling underground bunkers in case of a global disaster for $25,000! Just because the Mayan Calendar ended at 2012, does not mean the world will end by then, there are just no facts backing this claim and the people that do believe in this stuff are basing it on facts that they exaggerate to support their views! Probably 2012 will just be another year, I'm not totally sure about the "aliens" visiting the Earth since we haven't really explored that deep into space to be sure that there are no beings out there smarter than our race. If the world will come to an end by 2012 , it would mostly be because of our actions that slowly condemns this planet to death because of us abusing it :/

In Topic: Favourite hobby?

27 April 2011 - 11:21 PM

My favorite hobbies are swimming, writing poetry, reading a good book or just hanging out with my friends. Whenever the weather is hot and I have nothing better to do, I call a few of my friends so that we can take a swim together. I also write poetry. My poems are usually based on the current emotions that I was feeling the day I wrote them and writing seems to help me pour my feelings out. I publish my poetry mostly online, so people can critic me on my work and how I could improve more as a poet. Reading good books is also one my hobbies. Sometimes I would take a good novel and just sit down and read, I don't even notice time pass by, I get so immersed into what I read and I can barely stop until I at least finish a chapter :).