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Member Since 30 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2011 05:37 PM

In Topic: Wrong place at the wrong time?

30 March 2011 - 06:21 AM

Lmao your friend sounds like me though everytime I get lucky example being

no joke atleast 200 times when I have been bike riding I have nearly been hit by cars or even busses heres a few examples.

One time I was crossing the lights it wasn't green for me to cross but I didn't see any cars coming I started crossing and a car came out of no where if I didn't hear the car screaching its breaks on I wouldn't of quickly moved back and I would have been hit.

Another time I rode on to the rode not looking behind me 2 seconds later a bus was about to hit me about 1m behind me I quickly chucked my self on to the path next to the rode.

haha this has happened so many times to me its nuts I just hope I don't end up like your mate where you actually get hit for once.

In Topic: City of Heros (A MMO Game You Should Try)

30 March 2011 - 06:17 AM

Yea I no longer pay games I have to pay monthly for since I play games on a on and off basis. Though does sound interesting and the fact its lasted 6 years is a good sign since a lot of mmo's last about 1 or 2 years before they get canceled well not most but alot do. Some don't even finish production (example being stargate worlds).

I'll take a look at the game just to see if its worth playing on private sever or anythign if thats offered but I doubt ill play much.
I wish they turned games like this in to games like Gothic where its like a mmo but single player.

In Topic: Nintendo 64

30 March 2011 - 06:10 AM

Definitely I would never get rid of my nintendo 64. Its by far the best console I have ever used, although the graphics weren't that great the games were awesome I'm never going to forget good old classic games that were awesome such as duke nukem, super mario 64, Mario kart, Donkey kong, diddy kong racing, zelda. The list goes on it was by far one of my favourite consoles that ever existed in fact instead of nintendo doing wii I think their next project should be a remake of the nintendo 64 or something similar with remakes of zelda and stuff since they were such awesome games. I wish games were like them still these days.

In Topic: Any Good MMOs You Guys Can Recommend

30 March 2011 - 06:05 AM

I don't play wow any more but my account was hacked and emailing blizzard does nothing make sure you give them a few calls because usually you should be able to get it back then best proof also which helps is to have old cards you used on the account or billing information like credit cards.

Personally I got sick of mmo's since you end up wasting so much of your life on them but I would recommend checking out the new dc comics super hero mmo that looked pretty sik.

In Topic: Free Trade and Wilderness back

30 March 2011 - 06:00 AM

I am really happy it is back though I preferred it back in the days when free trade was deleted and their was exploits such as dragon stone and stuff, I don't know why I enjoy that I just find the game more challenging then. Though it is pretty sik to have free trade back. way easier to lvl up since you can buy gold now :P