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Member Since 25 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2011 11:36 AM

In Topic: Fooling Your Friends: Flip Their Screen Upside Down!

01 April 2011 - 11:39 AM

That is a pretty good idea I have never thought of doing that looks like I am gonna have some fun at the expense of my g/f lol

In Topic: Free Trade and Wilderness back

31 March 2011 - 11:33 PM

Yeah there are a hell of a lot of botters out there now with free trade back, but they are somewhat lifelike but they are still pretty easy to spot and most don't answer in any way that makes sense. But it is a lot easier to level skills on other toons you make now that there is free trade again.

In Topic: City of Heros (A MMO Game You Should Try)

31 March 2011 - 11:18 PM

I used to play that game when it first came out, I thought it was pretty cool at first but then it kinda lost my interest. Maybe it has changed since I played it sometime if I have the time I will give it a shot again I have become tired of games like wow.

In Topic: How is this game?

26 March 2011 - 01:04 AM

That is cool I got into the beta for it as well but did not get a chance to actually play because I was in the process of getting a new computer due to my other computer not being so hot for gaming. But I have heard the talent system is really complex in the way that there are lots of different talents to take which I think I would like being a person who loved Star Wars Galaxies pre-cu. The amount of choices then were great and there was pretty much nobody who had the same talents as you. But then they went and tried to simplify it like wow. But I guess I will just have to give Rift a try for myself to see how it is.

In Topic: Ultima Online

25 March 2011 - 05:11 PM

I played Ultima Online forever ago, it was a good game there was so much to do no games even come close to the fun and everything I used to have in that game. I should probably check it out again I have not played in years, if you wanna PM me the other servers.

Don't know if you ever played Darkfall Online it is a newer game they used the idea of Ultima Online it is a fun game but would be more fun if it was more populated.