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Member Since 21 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Private

Basic PHP

21 March 2011 - 09:00 PM

Always start php files/scripts with <?php and end them with ?>.You may also use <? to open them but it's not recommended. I only do it to keep this tutorial shorter and quicker to write.

*Note the semi-colon at the end of most lines.*

To print text simply use echo.

Example: This will write "Hello" to your screen.


echo "Hello";


Comments can be created by using //Comment here. Or if using multiple lines /* Comment here */.

To set a variable we use $.

$variable_name = "content here";

Example: This will also write "Hello" to your screen.


$myvariable = "Hello";

echo $myvariable; //Echo the variable


To echo multiple variables/strings without creating a new echo each time simply use a period.

Example: This will write "Hello and Welcome to my site."


$myvar = "Welcome";

$var2 = "Hello";

echo $var2 . " and " . $myvar . " to my site.";


If/Else statements. Take note of the curly braces!

Example:If number = 1 it will echo "The Number is 1", if it isn't it will echo "The number is not 1".


$number = '2';

if($number == '1'){ //Curly Braces used for code to be executed

echo "The number is 1!";

} //Make sure Curly Braces are closed



echo "The number is NOT 1!";



Functions. Functions must be called in order to be executed.


function echo_text(){ //Our Function. Take note of curly braces.

echo "Hello Again";

echo "<br />"; //Line Break

echo "Bye!";


echo_text(); //Call to the function
