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Member Since 25 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2009 10:25 AM

In Topic: Happy Holidays from GameOn365

27 December 2009 - 09:51 AM

Yes please. :)

Merry Christmas!

In Topic: Mac OS Snow Leopard

30 August 2009 - 12:28 AM

Jess you are so stoopid.

I ordered my Snow Leopard yesterday! :).
can't wait.

In Topic: Mac OS Snow Leopard

05 August 2009 - 09:48 PM

Yeah, Apple MightyMouse, wireless bluetooth :)

In Topic: 360 Gamertags and Played Games!

05 August 2009 - 04:49 AM

Guess what... I went back on what I said....

My friends persuaded me to pre-order COD4-'2' today.... Prestige one or whatever the highest limited edition is.

In Topic: Mac OS Snow Leopard

05 August 2009 - 03:41 AM

Well I just went and got a MightyMouse and How I Met Your Mother SE: 3.

So pwned.