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Server Performance and Stability Changes

* * * * - 2 votes minecraft mc server stability performance changes update realms nodes worlds creative warps battlegrounds chat channels commands

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Nick Admin


    Lead Software Developer

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  • 343 posts

Recently, we've been able to achieve some great milestones with regards to stability of the Minecraft server.  When we started this server over a year ago, daily restarts were a requirement to keep the server running smoothly.  Today, we're able to achieve weeks of uptime without issue, only needing to restart for some major server-wide changes and Minecraft updates.


Over the past few days, we've been working on some major changes behind the scenes to improve server performance and stability.  We've began splitting the parts of what was originally just a single Minecraft server into multiple linked servers (you may see us refer to these as nodes or realms in the future), all while keeping a seamless experience.  What this means is, while technically there will be multiple Minecraft servers powering GameOn365 Minecraft, you will still be able to experience it as if it were a single server, just like you've always known it to be.  You'll teleport between the servers with portals, warps, and other methods.


To start, we'll be moving the creative worlds and battlegrounds to their own linked servers.  This not only allows for better server performance, but introduces a better way of keeping creative inventories separate from survival inventories, and will eliminate issues related to losing items when switching between creative and survival.


There are a few things that will still be missing initially.  First off, chat will only be available with the linked server that you're currently connected to.  Our top priority with this change will be getting chat messages shared across all of the linked servers.  Second, you may notice that some commands only work on a specific linked server.  This especially holds true for warps, which will only be usable on the server that is currently hosting the world the warp is in.  If you need to switch to a different server to use a warp, you can do so with the new /server command.


For those of you who are interested in learning more about how we did this, there's a post in the VIP Lounge detailing some of the technical challenges that we faced, and how we overcame them.

GameOn365 Administrator, Community Manager, and Lead Web Software Developer
Minecraft Server Administrator, Developer, and Support Team Lead

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: minecraft, mc, server, stability, performance, changes, update, realms, nodes, worlds, creative, warps, battlegrounds, chat, channels, commands

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