About two weeks ago while I was in a boring study hall, I was talking to this kid who claimed he, his Dad, and his brother all played this one game for years and are still playing. I asked what game? (expecting WoW or Runescape) He said City of Heroes. I lol'd and was like "that game looked like shit" and he assured me it was fun, so I decided to download the trial, and then a week later I saw it along with its new expansion for sale at Gamestop for 10 bucks. I was like WTF? It's 15 bucks a month so this defeats the purpose. Anyways I bought it and am very glad I did so here's why you or anyone else should give this game a shot. Pros and cons here we go.
Good Graphics But Not To Difficult To Run
Factions (Hero, Villain)
Good PVP (one of the only games out that has decent PvP)
Best character customization I've seen, you WILL NOT see a player looking like you ever.
Cool Instances
Out since 2004 and still making expansions and updates
Newest expansion allows players to makes there own instances (I don't think any other games have that)
Shit load of classes and powers
There's no MMO anything like this
Helpful longtime non-noob players
Servers are all light on population (Need to merge servers together)
End games not to strong except in PVP
Very little items (this is good for some)
15 Bucks a month (worth it, but always a con)
Same company as Aion (NCSoft)
So heres the Trial 14 days free what do you have to lose? http://www.cityofher...rial/index.html
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City of Heros (A MMO Game You Should Try)
Started by Brian, Mar 30 2010 08:12 PM
Posted 30 March 2010 - 08:12 PM

Posted 30 March 2011 - 06:17 AM

Yea I no longer pay games I have to pay monthly for since I play games on a on and off basis. Though does sound interesting and the fact its lasted 6 years is a good sign since a lot of mmo's last about 1 or 2 years before they get canceled well not most but alot do. Some don't even finish production (example being stargate worlds).
I'll take a look at the game just to see if its worth playing on private sever or anythign if thats offered but I doubt ill play much.
I wish they turned games like this in to games like Gothic where its like a mmo but single player.
I'll take a look at the game just to see if its worth playing on private sever or anythign if thats offered but I doubt ill play much.
I wish they turned games like this in to games like Gothic where its like a mmo but single player.
Posted 31 March 2011 - 11:18 PM

I used to play that game when it first came out, I thought it was pretty cool at first but then it kinda lost my interest. Maybe it has changed since I played it sometime if I have the time I will give it a shot again I have become tired of games like wow.
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