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Mac OS Snow Leopard

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First off, how many of you active users on these forums actually use Macintosh OS's?

And who is getting Snow Leopard?!

I will be and cannot wait. I get it for $10 though, seeing I got my Macbook Pro after like, the 8th of June. So I get a special deal.
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I want a mac http://gameon365.net/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif
Nath, why do you need to keep bragging about your macbook pro gah
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Cause you don't have one http://gameon365.net/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif hahaha.

You'll get there one day child http://gameon365.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif
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i can only afford a dell, so shut up
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Dell lol.

They are good for poor people. My first computer was going to be a dell cause they were cheap and you could custom make them, as well as that being cheap too lol.
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yes well $800 is over my budget but still
thats going to take like 3 years to get that much because i keep spending all my cash !#@$%(
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Ever considered a Mini-laptop..

Oh my girlfriend recently took me to Dicksmith to show me her mini laptop thing that she wanted. It was $1,500! lol! I then pointed her into the MBP section for 1,900, or the MB for 1,600.

I was like, how can a mini laptop be so damn expensive! You can get a normal one for that price!

Edited by Quattroporte, 25 July 2009 - 11:11 PM.

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why would i want a laptop with a screen the size of my hand
seriously i think i would die if i had one of those.. holding it up to my face
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Nick Admin


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My laptop (which I use for MSN, voice chat, and the forums mainly) is a nice $300 netbook (the Acer Aspire One). It runs pretty smoothly, but I have a second screen hooked up to it a lot because a 9 inch widescreen is pretty small. The keyboard and touchpad is a bit weird, but you get used to it after a while. I think after hearing about the $300 HP budget notebook with Vista though coming soon to WalMart I might've had a different choice. But overall I like the smaller gadgets for portability.
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Here in australia the price is like double.
Stupid australian dollar http://gameon365.net/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif
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Yes Nick, that is what they are used for.

But then you hear the people that buy them who have no clue about computers start to complain that they can't do much.. for a measly $700AUD. They wonder why.. it is meant for word documents, simple internet programs like you mentioned and internet browsing. That's their sole purpose lol.

But yes, I have the MBP 13''. It is quite a small screen from what I was used to. But it is great for portability and battery life. Well worth it.
Considering the 24'' display for the MBP for home use.
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Nick Admin


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Yes Nick, that is what they are used for.

But then you hear the people that buy them who have no clue about computers start to complain that they can't do much.. for a measly $700AUD. They wonder why.. it is meant for word documents, simple internet programs like you mentioned and internet browsing. That's their sole purpose lol.

But yes, I have the MBP 13''. It is quite a small screen from what I was used to. But it is great for portability and battery life. Well worth it.
Considering the 24'' display for the MBP for home use.

Mine can run World of Warcraft so I wouldn't consider it within the "can't do much" category. And not to mention that's with 50 tabs in Firefox, MSN, and other apps up as well.

However, I do have a Mac Mini. That's where the second screen from this laptop was first used. I don't really use it anymore, but I might hook it back up eventually.
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Really.. for the 9 inch one? I haven't heard of that before.

What about the ones that are running the linux-based programs. Are their screens smaller?
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whoa 9 inch.. way too small for me hahah.

but i do really want a mac http://gameon365.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif
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Yeah, one of the best practical features the MBP has is the track pad. Honestly, it is god. pwns any mouse any day anywhere.

Because they don't have an aluminum Macbook anymore, it got 'promoted' to MBP range.. so yeh. unlucky if you get the white MB lol.
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My computers destroy all, they are seriously the best computers out there, when my friends see them they throw up then faint. below are the photos of my desktop and laptop. Yes Yes all prepare to be in awe.

Attached File  my desktop.jpg   39.07K   5 downloads My Desktop.

Attached File  my laptop.jpg   42.59K   7 downloads My Laptop.

Edited by Brian, 29 July 2009 - 02:39 AM.




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Can we be friends and when you die can i plez haf ur lapt0pz?
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My computers destroy all, they are seriously the best computers out there, when my friends see them they throw up then faint. below are the photos of my desktop and laptop. Yes Yes all prepare to be in awe.

Attached File  my desktop.jpg   39.07K   5 downloads My Desktop.

Attached File  my laptop.jpg   42.59K   7 downloads My Laptop.

holy shit, they are beautiful
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Not all Dell computers are cheap, mine costed like $900.




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that is cheap for a laptop
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