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Favourite hobby?

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Name: Lincoln or Link
My favourite hobby is playing on the computer (yes it is sad..). But not too far away from that hobby is my hobby of Basketball. Whats yours?
Lincoln "Link"



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Knitting My secret addiction is pogeymans XD

I like to ride bikes to get outside a bit lol.




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Why would going on the internet be a "sad" hobby? :P
I like playing flash games and doing other things online, but I also like to skateboard and play guitar. (although both are currently in storage)
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Would be soccer, hanging out with ppl, FACEBOOK!
Yeh, I got a pretty good social life 8-]

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Coding, I LOVE making things, websites, scripts, applications, anything, absolutely LOVE it :D




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My favorite hobby is to play American Football. I play for my school and with my friends regularly.

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Paintball, it's fun as long as you get matched with people your skill level.




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Of course, Shooting some guns ;] much better then sitting at home playing video games hah



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My favorite hobby is defiantly Baseball. Ever since I was a kid I have played it. To me it is my stress reliever.



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I play soccer a lot, as well as play a lot of games. I record my gameplay on CoD and post it on youtube, pretty geeky but I enjoy it. :D



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Hello, my favourite hobby is my computer, i really enjoy some games like GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer, Counter Sctrike 1.6, and some more!
OutSite hobbys: Well.. I like to ride a bike, play BadMinton(not sure about how to write) and some other radical sports...

Edited by Manuel12345, 05 April 2011 - 03:17 PM.



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I like playing PC games too, and xbox 360 games too ;-) My hobbies are reading, learning, playing soccer, and so on ;-)



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Meditate, block myself to then reencounter myself (in process), yea!, i decided to leave everything then come back with a new energy, I'm an unknown person; used to play a lot CSS.



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My favorite hobby playng computer games,console games,draw,ride a bike and so on :)



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My hobbies include drawing, drinking, smoking, online shopping, and talking to people on forums!




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My hobbies include (besides web design and writing) skateboarding, snowboarding, hiking, hanging out with friends, listening to and playing music

Lucas Pham

Lucas Pham

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What gets me up every morning is my family. They are all very supportive  and I couldn't feel more loved then I do by them. My hobbies that help  make my life enjoyable are cross stitching and sewing. I love to be  creative. Most of what I sew are projects that are my own design, and  it's so exciting seeing everything come together. But even more exciting  to see the person's face that I give it to. With cross stitching, I  follow a pattern. But it takes time and patience. Some pieces are small  and quick, while others can take months even years depending on how  often you're able to work on the piece. No matter what size it is,  working on cross stitching or sewing is very enjoyable and very  therapeutic as well. They are my stress reducers! :~)



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My favorite hobbies are swimming, writing poetry, reading a good book or just hanging out with my friends. Whenever the weather is hot and I have nothing better to do,  I call a few of my friends so that we can take a swim together. I also write poetry. My poems are usually based on the current emotions that I was feeling the day I wrote them and writing seems to help me pour my feelings out. I publish my poetry mostly online, so people can critic me on my work and how I could improve more as a poet. Reading good books is also one my hobbies. Sometimes  I would take a good novel and just sit down and read, I don't even notice time pass by, I get so immersed into what I read and I can barely stop until I at least finish a chapter :).



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I like xbox and building computers but building computer is expensive so expensive I've only build one Posted Image

Nick Admin


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I like xbox and building computers but building computer is expensive so expensive I've only build one Posted Image

Depending on what you need, I've seen some computers built for as low as $300. Normally I aim for a budget of about $800-1200 for mine though, as I'm usually looking for high performance.
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