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Do you prefer a dark or light skin on the forums?

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Poll: Do you prefer a dark or light skin on the forums? (10 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you prefer a dark or light skin on the forums?

  1. Dark (4 votes [40.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 40.00%

  2. Light (3 votes [30.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 30.00%

  3. Doesn't Matter (3 votes [30.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 30.00%

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Nick Admin


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Poll: Do you prefer a dark or light skin on the forums?
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    Hotel Royale X

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daaark o.o
Made In Sweden ;)




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Dark would be Pretty Cool. But you should make your own layout for here, and your own Banner!: D
Greatly Notified,

Nick Admin


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That's what we're working towards. We intend to purchase one or two, possibly more, pre-made themes which we will greatly customize to give the forums a much better feel. We will also be integrating other parts of the website with the forums (we've began work on a new staff application system and Hotel Royale CMS already). Most likely there will be one light skin and one dark skin. Some of the other skins we currently have may be removed.
GameOn365 Administrator, Community Manager, and Lead Web Software Developer
Minecraft Server Administrator, Developer, and Support Team Lead




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That's what we're working towards. We intend to purchase one or two, possibly more, pre-made themes which we will greatly customize to give the forums a much better feel. We will also be integrating other parts of the website with the forums (we've began work on a new staff application system and Hotel Royale CMS already). Most likely there will be one light skin and one dark skin. Some of the other skins we currently have may be removed.

Well yea. You could change the themes every Holiday or Season. Would make aton of people come. That means this is an Active Hotel.
Greatly Notified,




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I prefer light
Its more modern and sexy

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I like a dark theme just because to me it looks better, like the one that is on now Carbon blue I think looks really nice, I havent looked at the others since I am a new member here but i will. great site though hope to use it a lot.




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I personally prefer a dark theme. It's easier on the eyes and it looks nice in my opinion. The current theme on here is really nice too :thumbsup:

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