Well E3 2011 is just up ahead next month in June, and Nintendo has plans to release a Wii 2 that will match up to graphics of an Xbox 360 and PS3 from what the developers claim. With this new console coming out code-named "Project Cafe", is it now time to sell your original Wii before its too late? With the release of a new console, the previous console with then be outdated, thus causing for a price drop in the "old" Wii. Xbox has done it before, and so has Sony, but now it is Nintendo's turn to do the price cutting. So what do you think, would you keep your Wii and see if the value will increases over the decades to come, or would you sell it to fund for their next big project?
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Nintendo Wii's, is it time to sell them?
Started by Duality, May 29 2011 10:26 PM
Posted 29 May 2011 - 10:26 PM

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