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What was the last game you bought?

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The last game which I bought was civilization 5. I bought it for a moderate price of 35$ but it has been a complete value for money. I must have already played the game for more than 100 hours.




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Portal 2. I don't buy many games anymore since I find most of them to be quite boring. Portal 2 was definitely worth it though, the single player is great and multiplayer can be hilarious to play with friends.

Before that the last game I bought was World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.



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The last game which I bought was civilization 5. I bought it for a moderate price of 35$ but it has been a complete value for money. I must have already played the game for more than 100 hours.

I bought Guitar Hero 3 for the Xbox 360, man I love those games. It's a shame you can't play bass in single player mode -  Reptilia by The Strokes has awesome bass.
I also ordered Duke Nukem, and have the beta for that now - it's amazing.



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The last game I bought would have to be Call of duty 4 for the PC, well I bought a key because I downloaded the game :s (naughty me) so yeah I bought that. I was all right game but then I got bored of it playing too much I guess.



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Portal 2 for the Xbox 360, which I have still not played as I wanted to replay Portal before I started it. I've already replayed Portal, too, but I just haven't felt like playing Portal 2! I have, however, played a bit of the co-op and I found it to be extremely entertaining. I think I have never played a game that required so much co-operation!

Soon I will try to get Oblivion Game of the Year Edition Deluxe and Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition, both for PC. I've already played FO3:GOTY on the 360, but I want to replay it on PC so I can use modifications. As for Oblivion, I still haven't played it at all and I have to fix that!
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I bought Mortal Kombat recently. It is a very awesome game specially the Fatalities. Its good that I don't live in Australia as it was banned in Australia due to extreme blood and gore shown in it. But still this extreme blood and gore is what makes Mortal Kombat series so awesome :D



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Well the last game I have bought is Total War: shogun 2. Its a real time strategy game like starcraft or warcraft but the style of gaming is so realistic that I am quite addicted to it. Must have spend more or less 100 hours in this game alone.




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The last game I bought was FIFA 11. I bought it at the start on January. I don't really buy alot of games (as you can tell) but I would like GOW 3 :)!



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I bought homefront and mirror's edge this week and they are both excellent First-Person games.
Soon I will buy Portal 2 and Terraria.




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Last game I bought was Portal 2!!!!

I absolutely love this game!! It challenges your mind and is fun at the same time.
I played the first portal and loved that one too. At first I hated it because I had no idea
what to do and then after maybe 2 hours of my friend telling me how to do it I figured it out!



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The last game I bought Marvel vs Capcom 3 for the Ps3. It is one of my favorite fighting game series of all time and had to buy it. The game-play has been improved from previous games and has online play.



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It wasn't me personally, but I was there :)
My boyfriend bought Street Fighter for 3DS :)

I bought Guitar Hero 3 for the Xbox 360, man I love those games. It's a shame you can't play bass in single player mode -  Reptilia by The Strokes has awesome bass.
I also ordered Duke Nukem, and have the beta for that now - it's amazing.

When you get Duke Nukem Forever, could you please post feedback/ your opinion? I played as a child and I'd like to know what people think before I contemplate buying it. :)
Thank you :)
24022010 :)




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Last game I purchased was Cars 2 :) really great game to be honest :D really enjoying it.

His Dudeness

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The last game i bought for PC is Portal 2, and its probably the best PC game iv currently ever played.

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