I guess you heard of the Sid Meier's Civilization game. Now they published the new V part and its awesome but I can't play it at this moment since I got a wooden PC ( I got the chicken pox while I was staying at my parents hose and ended up with a wooden pc to somehow try and do stuff on it) but the good news is I can play Civilization III. It is a great strategy game where you control a nation you can even name it and give yourself a great title like SuperKing or Car or The Great King of All and such stuff. The first thing of all its the amazing game play that caught my attention and the ways you can communicate with your enemy. Its a really good game if you are bored and need to spend some hours alone. You start usually with a worker and a settler, well some civilizations have special units that are give to you at the start and others got some units that you can build later in the game. Building cities, expanding your territory, making war and peace, researching technology those are all the good stuff about this game. There are a lot of bad things in the game but that's not so unusually every game has its cons. The most thing I don't like about civilization III is that the fights are sometimes unrealistic and there are (at least my opinion) not so much options in creating your leader (King, Chief what ever ) .
But all in all this game is great if you got stuck with a wooden PC like i got stuck.
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Civilization III Review
Started by Shole, May 06 2011 08:56 AM
Posted 06 May 2011 - 08:56 AM

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