Anyone from here do Arenas?
I'm sorta taking a break from them right now but I'll probably return before the end of the season to ensure I get Gladiator. I play a disc priest and Cataclysm just seems sort of frustrating to be a healer right now.
Arenas in theory are better in Cataclysm than they were in Wrath but there just seems to be a lot of core issues that werent evident in wrath. I think the burst healing and damage hid some of the stuff that just seems so obviously broken right now like the ridiculous amount of interrupts some teams can stack or all the instant CC flying around. I really miss BC, it was a lot more fun back then, I think all the added abilities are really starting to bloat the game. More abilities doesnt and complexity doesnt really make the game more skillful it just adds a whole bunch of stuff flying around. I wish they'd stop adding and instead spend more time balancing and fixing old abilities.
Anyway that's my rant.
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Any Arena Players?
Started by Rowro, May 04 2011 12:52 AM
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