Anyone Play This Game? I Bought This Game About 3 Months Ago And Haven't Been Able To Put It Down Yet, Anyone Else The Same?
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Started by chenerz, Mar 28 2011 10:23 AM
Posted 28 March 2011 - 10:23 AM

Posted 17 April 2011 - 11:08 PM

I got it and played it for about a week but then I got sorta bored with it!
I do know that you can basically do anything and even create your own 16-bit computer inside of the game which is pretty awesome and all
but why would you do that when you can do it in real life and actually experience it?
I do know that you can basically do anything and even create your own 16-bit computer inside of the game which is pretty awesome and all
but why would you do that when you can do it in real life and actually experience it?
Posted 22 April 2011 - 09:48 AM

Honestly I've bought it but have yet to actually play it. I've been super busy with school and work as of late but maybe this weekend I'll have to crack it open and start messing around with it
Posted 06 May 2011 - 06:57 PM

This game is extremely addictive and if you haven't tried it out yet, you really should. The redstone circuits make possibilities endless and awesome. You should play this game, right now. :D
Posted 07 May 2011 - 09:46 AM

Could someone just quickly explain exactly what the game is about? I mean I know you can build various things but if you want could you build your own cities? If so, does it take time to build things and do you need resources? I know lots of people who play this game but I am not sure if I should buy it myself.
Posted 07 May 2011 - 04:53 PM

Yes definitely.
I bought this game last year, and have been playing non-stop.
I get excited everytime I see an update to the game, to find out what it is.
There is virtually un-limited possibilities of what you can do in this game, so thats why I think its a game people can't put down.
I bought this game last year, and have been playing non-stop.
I get excited everytime I see an update to the game, to find out what it is.
There is virtually un-limited possibilities of what you can do in this game, so thats why I think its a game people can't put down.
Posted 07 May 2011 - 11:45 PM

I can't stop playing the game as well! I bought the game around a few weeks ago, after one of my friends recommended it to me and have been playing it everyday ever since. I am completely hooked to the rich gameplay and the simplicity of the game itself. The graphics are simple and is easy getting used to. The real fun behind the game is the idea of "Crafting" anything you like or are capable of. People have already made various projects such as buildings, statues, and whole cities. The physics of the game also keeps you hooked to the keyboard and the screen as you take time to plan your actions. Notch, the developer, did a great job in making this game and I hope he releases more games like Minecraft.
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