Bullet Storm Is A Fast-Paced Action Fighting Game In Which You Do Skillshots To Earn Up A Score So Later On In The Game You Can Purchase Ammo, Upgrades etc. I Recently Picked It Up And I Am Very Much Enjoying Playing It. The Storyline Is Amazing, The Gameplay Is Amazing But The Multiplayer Aspect Of It Could Do With Some Improvements As I Find That There Is Not Much To Choose From And Can Sometimes Get Slightly Repetive, So Overall I Would Give The Game An 8/10 Mainly Because Of Its Epic Storyline And Its Innovative Gameplay.
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Bullet Storm PC Review
Started by chenerz, Mar 28 2011 10:16 AM
Posted 28 March 2011 - 10:16 AM

Posted 17 April 2011 - 11:16 PM

Hmm looks like a good game my friend has it and I ma going to see if I can borrow it from him.
If it's a good game I will probably buy it!
If it's a good game I will probably buy it!
Posted 18 April 2011 - 01:25 PM

I played demo Bulletstorm on xbox 360, and I didn´t like it so much, maybe because I don´t play well on xbox 360 like on PC... Maybe on PC I will like it, but I can´t run it so I can´t test it on PC, so I can´t tell you much of it.
But it´s intresting so, should try it ;-)
But it´s intresting so, should try it ;-)
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