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My Homefront review

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For of you guys who have not herd about it it is a first person shooter, they have huge maps (kind of like Battlefield), 32 players in each game (depending on the game type). Anyways onto my review, I personally love this game. I love all the guns and how they made the battle points feature. They have a ton of perks, and you can pick up to 6 perks for each class. They do have pretty bad graphics but it brings the arcade feature to it which I love. The drones, tanks, and helicopters are very fun to use! I personally think they did a great job on the game. The thing I don't like about the game is that the servers are terrible. In just about every game you get into you will have a terrible connection. If I were you guys I would choose to rent this game before you buy it.
I do have game play of this but I am not sure if I am aloud to upload youtube videos so I wont.




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Yea it's a great game and I totally agree with the bad connections!

It lags so much when I play at best , and when I am super lucky I can play for about 20 minutes at normal speed!

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