Was just curious if anyone here has played this game yet? I have been playing MMO's for a long while, and played World of Warcraft for longer than I would like to admit while waiting for a game that could catch my attention and take me away from WoW. Rift looks like a really cool game and something maybe I would like to play but I have not had the chance to pick it up. So have you played Rift yet? and if so how was it?
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How is this game?
Started by peaseniz, Mar 25 2011 04:22 PM
Posted 25 March 2011 - 04:22 PM

Posted 25 March 2011 - 08:39 PM

I got a chance to try out the Rift beta for a while. The gameplay was quite smooth and the talent ('souls') system was refreshingly unique. Aside from that, I didn't play it very long. It seemed to take a lot of hints from WoW. I've heard that there's a bit of grinding to do when you reach higher levels, but they're already planning to release a new major content patch next month.
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Posted 26 March 2011 - 01:04 AM

That is cool I got into the beta for it as well but did not get a chance to actually play because I was in the process of getting a new computer due to my other computer not being so hot for gaming. But I have heard the talent system is really complex in the way that there are lots of different talents to take which I think I would like being a person who loved Star Wars Galaxies pre-cu. The amount of choices then were great and there was pretty much nobody who had the same talents as you. But then they went and tried to simplify it like wow. But I guess I will just have to give Rift a try for myself to see how it is.
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