Have you ever been at the wrong place at the wrong time?
I cannot think of a time I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, but I remember a time when a friend was. A bunch of friends and I were riding our bikes in a big group. One of the kids wasn't paying attention and swerved into the middle of the road and was completely ran over. He went under the car and everything. Lucky, he came out with a few scratches and bruises. He wasn't seriously hurt.
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Wrong place at the wrong time?
Started by Zawazuki, Mar 18 2011 05:04 PM
Posted 18 March 2011 - 05:04 PM

Posted 19 March 2011 - 12:29 PM

I cant say that I have been there but I am still young(19) so who knows what will happen in the future, If I do go ahead with the military then yea it will happen faster haha.
Posted 30 March 2011 - 06:21 AM

Lmao your friend sounds like me though everytime I get lucky example being
no joke atleast 200 times when I have been bike riding I have nearly been hit by cars or even busses heres a few examples.
One time I was crossing the lights it wasn't green for me to cross but I didn't see any cars coming I started crossing and a car came out of no where if I didn't hear the car screaching its breaks on I wouldn't of quickly moved back and I would have been hit.
Another time I rode on to the rode not looking behind me 2 seconds later a bus was about to hit me about 1m behind me I quickly chucked my self on to the path next to the rode.
haha this has happened so many times to me its nuts I just hope I don't end up like your mate where you actually get hit for once.
no joke atleast 200 times when I have been bike riding I have nearly been hit by cars or even busses heres a few examples.
One time I was crossing the lights it wasn't green for me to cross but I didn't see any cars coming I started crossing and a car came out of no where if I didn't hear the car screaching its breaks on I wouldn't of quickly moved back and I would have been hit.
Another time I rode on to the rode not looking behind me 2 seconds later a bus was about to hit me about 1m behind me I quickly chucked my self on to the path next to the rode.
haha this has happened so many times to me its nuts I just hope I don't end up like your mate where you actually get hit for once.
Posted 17 April 2011 - 11:30 PM

I myself have never been in any events but I am only 21 so it could happen as the guy above my said!
Hopefully nothing bad!
Hopefully nothing bad!
Posted 02 August 2011 - 02:50 PM

Don't think I have ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time but I know a few people that have. I had a friend who was out socialising having a quiet drink with a group of friends when something kicked off in the bar they was in, things turned ugly and because they were there they got caught up in the questioning and alsorts which took them most of the night.
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