Are you a good public speaker? What are some of your past experiences?
I'm a terrible public speaker. I get embarrassed and get all red in a classroom of people I know. I couldn't imagine speaking in front of a group of people I've never met before.
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Public Speaking
Started by Zawazuki, Mar 18 2011 05:04 PM
Posted 18 March 2011 - 05:04 PM

Posted 19 March 2011 - 12:28 PM

Seeing how I am in college we do a lot of presentations and I would consider myself a decent speaker, I was nervous at first but now its just whatever because I have opened up to the idea.
Posted 22 April 2011 - 09:42 AM

I've never done any real public speaking before but I can give presentations and speak in front of classes no problem. I used to have a big problem with it when I was younger but now it really doesn't bother me too much
Posted 26 April 2011 - 12:10 AM

Hi there:
Firstly self confidence is a must. I used to have your problem, but I realised that if I had confidence in what I could do, it minimised the problem by 99%. Just tell yourself: I can do this and I will do this. To hell with the people who might put me down.
You also have to enjoy public speaking - I always got an adrenaline rush and pure joy when I had to make speeches or participate in these competitions. If you don't like the publicity and getting what you think out there, then there's no point.
I would also recommend good palm-cards to remind you of what to say if you get nervous. Its tempting to put a whole speech on the cards and if need be - go ahead, but you may lose your way. The best thing to do is use dot points and memorise what each card's final dot point is (this means knowing your speech really well) so you know when to swap to the next one without having to pause and shuffle the cards about in a desperate attempt to find where you are at.
Good preparation and presentation is vital as well.
Enjoy. Public speaking is such fun and intelecutally stimulating - if done well, everyone enjoys it.
Firstly self confidence is a must. I used to have your problem, but I realised that if I had confidence in what I could do, it minimised the problem by 99%. Just tell yourself: I can do this and I will do this. To hell with the people who might put me down.
You also have to enjoy public speaking - I always got an adrenaline rush and pure joy when I had to make speeches or participate in these competitions. If you don't like the publicity and getting what you think out there, then there's no point.
I would also recommend good palm-cards to remind you of what to say if you get nervous. Its tempting to put a whole speech on the cards and if need be - go ahead, but you may lose your way. The best thing to do is use dot points and memorise what each card's final dot point is (this means knowing your speech really well) so you know when to swap to the next one without having to pause and shuffle the cards about in a desperate attempt to find where you are at.
Good preparation and presentation is vital as well.
Enjoy. Public speaking is such fun and intelecutally stimulating - if done well, everyone enjoys it.
Posted 05 May 2011 - 05:55 AM

I actually have to do one very soon. One of my friends is appealing one of his marks for a very important course.
Posted 02 August 2011 - 02:48 PM

I am an awful public speaker. I remember being in college and you have to regularly do presentations and public speaking and I always got really shy and my words always came out wrong, I think it's just something that you gain through life and never really get over to be honest. Even though I knew people where never laughing at me as we was always in the same boat I always felt the same.
Posted 21 April 2012 - 01:27 PM

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