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EVGA to Deliver Dual-GPU Nvidia GTX 460 "2Win" Graphics Card

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Nick Admin


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EVGA is working on a new dual-GPU GTX 460 graphics card with 2GB GDDR5 VRAM. It will cost less than and perform better than a GTX 580. The cost is estimated to be around $400.

Up to four monitors can be used with this single card (or three monitors if you enable Nvidia 3D). It features a mini HDMI and three DVI connections.


Galaxy is also working on a similar graphics card.
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Hmm looks like a good graphics card I am thinking about
getting it because I play games like Starcraft and COD: Black Ops which are pretty
Intense games so I am going to see if I can get this for a lower price at Walmart!




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Dang, that's one heck of a graphics card, but I wish I had that kind of money to drop on gorgeous graphics

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