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anyone here get the epic fail handheld PsP Go?




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I was gunna buy it before, why is it so epic fail?




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PSP is a fail in general. There's no good games for the hand-held.

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PSP is a fail in general. There's no good games for the hand-held.

i would have to agree, I used to want one but then I was like ehhh I wouldnt have time to play it anyways haha way too busy with life.




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PSP is a fail in general. There's no good games for the hand-held.

I wouldn't say that's true. You've got games like Jeanne d'Arc, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, Silent Hill Origins, LocoRoco, Patapon, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, and others. I guess it just depends on what you want to play. I'm not a huge fan of the PSP, but I would by no means call it a failure. The PSPgo on the other hand is a complete and utter failure.

Lucas Pham

Lucas Pham

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I liked it but my type of games are FSP (First Person Shooters) so i didn't like the controls. Everyone is so worked up about the 3DS that i don't think the PSP2 will do well (even though it probably should deserve it). I'll get the PSP2 because it has 2 analoug sticks (better for shooting games and looking around)

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