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suggestion; raise time between posts

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Best Answer Nick Admin, 04 December 2010 - 10:38 PM

I've lowered this to 20 seconds in between posts. The main reason we enforce such a posting limit is to prevent bots or users from creating a large amount of low-quality or non-constructive posts that would go against our posting guidelines.

Please let me know if you still encounter any more issues with this. The limit was at 30 seconds before, so I may need to look into it further if it was asking you to wait any longer than that.

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Every time i make a post, I'm asked to wait like, 40 seconds before making a new post, maybe this limit could be lowered?

Nick Admin


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I've lowered this to 20 seconds in between posts. The main reason we enforce such a posting limit is to prevent bots or users from creating a large amount of low-quality or non-constructive posts that would go against our posting guidelines.

Please let me know if you still encounter any more issues with this. The limit was at 30 seconds before, so I may need to look into it further if it was asking you to wait any longer than that.

GameOn365 Administrator, Community Manager, and Lead Web Software Developer
Minecraft Server Administrator, Developer, and Support Team Lead

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