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When Will COD Black OPs Be Fixed?

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This game is so awful and broken to play online. It's a total dud. This morning 4 games in a row timed out. You can barely get through a game anymore. Not to mention the freeze and having to reset the PS3.

Anybody know when its going to be fixed?




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This is most likely an incompatibility with PSN.. I'm sure it'll be fixed soon :/




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It will never be fixed, I love how your getting shot at, take a quick left into a building while the guy is a good distance behind you and you still die while your in the building and he's a distance away outside of the building.




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I am pretty sure they have fixed a bit of the bugs, but they should have been ready as they knew so many people would have been playing and yea. things will get better

The Mad Monk

The Mad Monk

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Well, they can't release any fixes or patches until the Playstation Network comes on. You could simply wait and see if Activision patches it. Hopefully they will do that, since getting glitches while playing online is one of the worst experiences.

el canadiano

el canadiano


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Black Ops (well, Activision) never really had a good track record to begin with, so it's not like you should bee too surprised or anything.

This is the biggest problem when you're releasing games on a yearly basis and rushing it. Sometimes I wonder when Activision will have its fallout rather than if it will.




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The last few CoD games were total disappointment for me.

The first thing that I hate is that there are no more servers that player's can host and play on.

And the story of SP is just silly.

The MP seems like they want to put in  too many things and rush it all as soon as possible.

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