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GameOn365 Support |
User Inactivity and Abandonment Policy
Submitted Nick Admin, Jun 19 2012 04:03 AM | Last updated Jul 22 2012 11:29 PM
player abandon abandoned abandonment inactive inactivity time offline activity user poilcy rank account data loss lost items
Any player that is offline for an extended period of time may lose previously obtained items and structures according to our inactivity policy, as outlined below.
If a player meets any of the following conditions:
Should a player expect to be away for an extended period of time and plan to return, they should submit a support ticket so that we can prevent their account from being marked as inactive. However, the following actions are taken automatically when a player is offline for an extended period of time and cannot be prevented by staff members:
If you believe a structure has been abandoned and would like to claim it as your own, please contact an administrator, who will decide if you may become the new owner of the structure. Typically, if the player who built the structure meets the above inactivity requirements, you will be allowed to claim the structure. Any player who claims an abandoned structure will be expected to maintain the structure, and cannot tear it down to gather the materials for personal gain. In accordance with our Terms of Service, GameOn365 reserves the right to modify or remove any player's data at any time. |