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GameOn365's Efforts to Maintain an Enjoyable Gaming Experience

enjoyable gaming experience game enjoy world reset items access lose lost bug glitch performance stability server restart lag grief griefed griefer staff suggestion idea upgrade version admin ticket
GameOn365 is dedicated to providing an enjoyable gaming experience for all players.
  • We will never reset the world, and we will not remove any legitimately gained items from players.  If at any time we decide to start a new world, we will provide a way for you to access what you've previously built on the server.
  • In the event that you lose items due to a bug or glitch, we will attempt to restore them if we can verify the loss.
  • If at any time the stability or performance of the server is degraded, we may restart it to improve the gaming experience and reduce lag.  This typically takes about 3 minutes, and will ensure that everyone can enjoy the game once again.  We'll try to send warning messages out before the restart, but don't worry, you won't lose anything when the server restarts!
  • If your building gets griefed, our staff will rollback your building to a time before the griefing occurred upon request.  Just let us know as soon as you notice and we'll be glad to help!
  • If you ever have any suggestions, post them on the forums and we'll be glad to take a look.
  • We will attempt to upgrade the server to new Minecraft versions as soon as possible.  However, we will not risk the stability and security of the server to do so if major bugs are still present.
  • If at anytime you are unsatisfied with the way something has been handled, you can speak directly to our highest ranking staff members, the administration team.  To do so, just open a support ticket in the Minecraft Server Administration department.  We'll be sure to review your ticket and respond as soon as possible.