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GameOn365 Support |
Faction Policy and FAQ's
Submitted Nick Admin, Apr 12 2012 10:57 AM | Last updated May 16 2012 11:29 PM
power bank land claim chest chests homes alliance faction factions peaceful pvp combat battle war hostile
In most cases, GameOn365 staff will not intervene in any situations involving factions. However, certain rules do apply to land that has been claimed by a faction and members of non-peaceful factions.
Faction Power Each member can have anywhere from -10 to 10 power that contributes to the total power of a faction. A faction's total power is the sum of all members' power. Dying will cause you to lose 3 power. Staying offline for more than 24 hours will cause you to lose 1 power for every 24 hours offline. All members will regenerate 0.2 power for each minute they are online, up to the maximum of 10 power. Currency Members can deposit money to their faction's bank by using the command /f money deposit <amount>. More commands for managing a faction's money can be found by typing /f money in-game. Claiming Land In order to claim land, you will need money in your faction's bank and faction power. Each point of power grants your faction the ability to claim one chunk of land. Chunks are 16 blocks square in length and width, and 256 blocks in height. Claiming land costs your faction money based on the following equation, where c is the number of chunks already claimed by your faction: 5+(0.50*c). You can check to see what land your faction and other factions have claimed on the world map. Hover over the layers icon in the upper left corner, then select factions to show claimed land. Chests in Claimed Land All chests in a faction's claimed land must not be protected. The faction plugin will automatically protect these chests without any need for a sign on it. All members of the faction will be able to access the chests within the faction. Factions may not have any chests protected within 50 blocks of their claimed land. Any violations of this rule can result in the following possible actions:
Member Homes in Claimed Land Factions may designate homes for their members in claimed lands. Unless this is the member's only home in the entire game world, the home may not contain any locked chests, and may not be protected with a WorldGuard region claim. Faction and Alliance Chat The chat channels for your faction and alliance (if applicable) will not be moderated by GameOn365 staff. The faction leader(s) may decide what is permissible in these channels, and have the option to remove members from their faction for violations. Peaceful Factions You may request that an admin designates your faction as peaceful. This will prevent members of your faction from engaging in PVP combat outside of battlegrounds. Peaceful factions do not need to follow the rules outlined in this article. Inviting Others You should not invite other players to your faction without them first asking you for an invite. You are, however, allowed to ask (in both public and private channels) players if they would like to join your faction. You should not ask in a public channel more than once every 5 minutes, and you should not ask any single player more than once. |