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GameOn365 Support |
Client Modification Policy
Submitted Nick Admin, Apr 15 2012 06:52 PM | Last updated Jun 19 2012 06:00 AM
client mod policy cheating x-ray minimap exploit hack cheat authorized worldedit spout plugins ver version pl give
Authorized Client Modifications
The following client modifications are allowed on the GameOn365 Minecraft Server:
If a client mod automatically executes any commands, do not use it! Our staff will warn and/or ban players that attempt to run commands such as /plugins, /ver, and /give. Security Risks Using client modifications can put your account at a higher risk of being accessed by a malicious individual, and also present other security risks. Other Client Modifications If you believe there are any other client mods that should be allowed on GameOn365's Minecraft server, please contact support and include a link to the mod. We'll be sure to review your request. |