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Chat Channels and Whispers

chat channel whisper tell message global local trade faction alliance channels
Public Channels
There are multiple public chat channels available in GameOn365's Minecraft server.  You can view a list of all channels any time by typing /ch list.  You can switch channels by typing /ch <channel>.

Currently, there are 3 public chat channels:
  • [G] Global (/ch g)
  • [L] Local (/ch l)
  • [T] Trade (/ch t)
Faction and Alliance Chat
You can switch between faction, alliance, and normal chat modes by typing /f c to cycle through the modes.

Whispering Other Players
You can whisper another player by starting your message with an at symbol and their username.  For example, typing @PlayerB Hey! will send the message "Hey!" to PlayerB.  To respond to the last message you received, you can type /r <yourMessage>.

Requesting Staff Assistance
If you ever need to request assistance from a staff member, you can type /helpop <yourMessage>, and all online staff will be notified.

Note: All chat messages are logged in accordance with the GameOn365 Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.