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The Monolith Expedition Has Made Landfall! Welcome to Shadowcrest, Adventurers!

* - - - - 10 votes monolith expedition landfall shadowcrest biomes explorers adventurers cities

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Nick Admin


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After an extended voyage overseas, the Monolith Expedition has finally made landfall!  The crew named this mystic new land Shadowcrest, and they've found biomes like no others; treacherous caves, ruined cities, massive forests, desolate lava pits, arctic ice plains, great plains, and many more yet to be discovered.  The Expedition now needs more great adventurers and explorers to continue their mission.  Help them uncover more of this new land, ward off monsters, and begin building magnificent new cities!

GameOn365 Administrator, Community Manager, and Lead Web Software Developer
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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: monolith, expedition, landfall, shadowcrest, biomes, explorers, adventurers, cities

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