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NBA playoffs

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Do we have any NBA basketball fans in here? I'm a die-hard basketball fan. The playoffs have begun yesterday, and I've watched all the games that have been on already. Lakers are gonna take the western conference this year, and Bulls are going to take the eastern conference. The Lakers will remain the champions though, back-to-back-to-back. Any opinions?




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I'm a great NBA's fan too. I watched several playoffs' games. I like to watch Chicago Bulls and Boston Celtics.

I think Miami Heat will win the title because they have Dwyane Wade and King James.

I disagree with you about Lakers. They won't do a threepeat because Kobe Bryant is too selfish to share the ball. Moreover they lose the series against Dallas Mavericks (3-0 currently). I'm afraid Lakers will be sweeped!

Let's go Celtics!

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