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Favorite language?

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Hey guys just wondering what everyones favourite language is and why?

In favourite 3 are.
C++ - Very powerful language and is easy to understand but lol hard to remember everything.
C# - not as powerful as c++ but still very powerful and easy to learn about and great for creating automation bots.
php - PhP is just awesome it can be used for developing websites, Creating automation tools, or hiding things.

el canadiano

el canadiano


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My two favourites for the more "mainstream" languages are C and C++. Once you get both, then any Object-oriented language programming language is easy to learn, because most of them are easy to learn.

However, Scheme is also another favourite of mine. Functional Programming is really good for stuff like recursion and is really good for memory management while also good for very mathematical procedures.



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My favourite languages range from web development languages such as PHP, to software development languages such as Java.

I'm currently in my 2nd year of Computer Science, so I'm forced to learn Java, I also know PHP, C++, C#, VB (not proud of it though), and numerous others.

My favourite language to develop in would be PHP, as it's functionality is huge, the possibilities are endless. As for software development, C# is generally good for quick creation and fast execution.




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My favourites programming languages are :

- C : The best language ever created!

- C# : It permits to develop great softwares quickly with Visual Studio.

- PHP/HTML/CSS : They permit to create website and web applications secured and fast.

I like Java and Python too but I don't use it often.

Don't forget to speak about conception tools like UML or Merise. It might be nice to know what you use to concept your softwares. I think UML is more used than Merise but I would like to know what do you use.

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