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Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an account for free today!
Community Status Updates
How do you feel about growing older?: Well its 12:09am my time and I am now 22 years old. It doesn't feel differ... http://bit.ly/kk2eIL
May 20 2011 02:00 AM
Male + Female Icons: Okay, so. I think by the usernames or under them, we should have Male/Female Icons.
Of cou... http://bit.ly/mUNRpL
May 19 2011 09:45 PM
Ello: Hi! I am new, great forum, very activr and interesting :) http://bit.ly/kh8JlZ
May 19 2011 06:29 PM
Layout For Sale: This layout is for sale ^^
The layout is at the moment only in blue - Yellow - Pink
I can do ... http://bit.ly/jmVaNT
May 19 2011 02:15 PM
Being a Newbie: I love that new account smell whenever I join a site. I love it so much that whenever I join a s... http://bit.ly/m1rd0G
May 19 2011 06:59 AM
Fancy a Puppet Show? - Misticpets.com: Image: http://www.misticpets.com/images/shopkeepers/toyfactory.jpg
... http://bit.ly/k9SK7q
May 19 2011 03:30 AM
VIRTUALWORLD.COM MMO GAME REVIEW site launches: Well, I just received this email about Virtual world.com (http:/... http://bit.ly/ipHYmR
May 18 2011 07:45 PM
Art Requests Available: Hello!
I'm fairly new here, but the reason I joined here is to share with you my artw... http://bit.ly/iR659e
May 18 2011 03:45 PM
How not to be scammed - guide: Well, scammers run rampant throughout the world wide web, and quite frankly, its ... http://bit.ly/jZwVPO
May 18 2011 12:21 PM
Has your site ever caused a real world controversy?: Has your site ever caused a real world controversy?
What... http://bit.ly/j5XPF9
May 18 2011 08:31 AM
Persistent Scammers: So, pet site owners, what would you do if you had a persistent scammer on your site? No mat... http://bit.ly/lW9reO
May 18 2011 04:30 AM
Aqua Needs Income: Is it okay to copy the content of the thread I made on VPU? ;3;
Hello there~ I go by Aqua.... http://bit.ly/lGjujD
May 18 2011 12:55 AM
What are you doing Rigt now?: Well, besides reading this thread.
Right now, Im going to turn on my playlist... http://bit.ly/knFaNy
May 17 2011 07:00 PM
Pet sites with Hidden Avatars?: Hi, what sites have hidden Avatars? I know these:
Rescreatu, Ichumon, Neopets... http://bit.ly/jy7mXw
May 17 2011 03:45 PM
Who likes to write?: I know I utilize our blogs (http://www.virtualpetlist.com/blog.php) feature and write from ... http://bit.ly/kYOH1X
May 17 2011 11:23 AM