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Community Status Updates
Power just turned on after being out since 4pm. Time to cool off the house. On the bright side I was able to test out some solar equipment and other items friends and businesses have been asking me to try and write reviews on. So not a complete loss.
Aug 11 2011 01:22 AM
Nick Admin
Your ISP Is Screwing You: As Your Service Costs Go Up, Their Backbone Costs Go Down via @techcrunch http://t.co/olhqxZ4
Jul 30 2011 04:55 AM
Nick Admin
RT @Collin1000: What can you get away with at the Apple store? Everything. http://bit.ly/qM1XFs
Jul 26 2011 02:45 PM
Nick Admin
Dreaming about my next build... Z68 Mini-ITX, 2x 6GB DDR3, i5-2500K, GTX 560 Ti, 120GB+ 6gbps SSD, all in a Cubitek Mini-Tank. Oh, yes.
Jul 26 2011 11:15 AM
Nick Admin
One thing I love about @windowsphone ? Paying an extra $2 for a game just because it says 'Xbox Live' on the tile.
Jul 25 2011 05:15 AM
Nick Admin
Micro USB, because without a 1mm thinner plug, we wouldn't be innovating!
Jul 24 2011 03:30 PM
Nick Admin
Anyone have any @twilio promo codes? I've been playing with it all day and I'm loving it so far!
Jul 23 2011 02:15 PM