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Community Status Updates
Did you vote yet?: http://www.virtualpetrankings.com/
I think most people haven't voted yet! Go ahead and vote ... http://bit.ly/mzyT1Z
May 13 2011 08:10 PM
Looking to Commission Programmer--Paid and/or Art Trade: Hey everyone, I am in search of a programmer. Since I d... http://bit.ly/jZyADQ
May 13 2011 03:15 PM
Nick Admin
When a shared server is at 83.92 load (not a percentage!), it's very likely that a problem exists.
May 13 2011 01:15 PM
Pet site with plushie collection?: I very like the plushie collection, but I know only Ichumon and Verpets. with... http://bit.ly/itubit
May 13 2011 07:57 AM
Free Banners: New style, need examples.
Example -
Image: http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i375/moonlight... http://bit.ly/iiJU9I
May 13 2011 04:12 AM
5/12/2011 (AlleyPets): Image: http://www.alleypets.com/battler.png (http://www.alleypets.com)
(Clicking the ... http://bit.ly/jMZ0yN
May 13 2011 12:30 AM
Graphics Artists needed for Pyropets: Pyropets is in need of some Graphics artists to help us get some graphics ... http://bit.ly/kRwyuY
May 12 2011 08:41 PM
Selling Beginning Pet Site Scripts: Hey all, I have some scripts I want to sell, they include:
Logi... http://bit.ly/lJmYM3
May 11 2011 04:55 PM
Is unique essential for a pet games success?: So, we all know that Neopets was a game changer - and gave people ... http://bit.ly/iChQVJ
May 11 2011 01:12 PM
Have your parents ever put a limit on internet/tv use?: I remember when I was younger, I never had a time limit ... http://bit.ly/ivVJO1
May 11 2011 07:00 AM
Lady Gaga & Zynga Found GagaVille: Well, Lady Gaga seems to continue to shine, don't you think so?
Check this... http://bit.ly/mdYrQA
May 11 2011 03:02 AM
AlleyPets (w/ Screenshots): AlleyPets (http://www.alleypets.com)
In battles, there is a new command:
htt... http://bit.ly/jUkftT
May 10 2011 04:31 PM
Taylor!! xDD
Is onnnn.. sorry I havnt really been on.. I've been busy with soccer. So what's everyone been doing?? :)
May 10 2011 03:29 PM