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Member Since 12 May 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2017 05:40 AM

In Topic: What mobile/cell phone do you own?

17 May 2011 - 04:52 PM

I got a SE Walkman 910i. It's gotten old now, I should change it. Yours are much better !

In Topic: If the moon exploded,how would life on Earth be affected?

14 May 2011 - 11:31 AM

Actually, I believe a more disastrous effect would take part if the Moon exploded. It doesn't matter if it disappears in small particles or large asteroids, we would definitely be heavily affected. The tidal change would be different and water would invade the earth, the attraction between Earth and Moon would cause imbalance, the planet would be continuously hit by rocks and they will pretty much hit anything, causing tsunamis and earthquakes. Technology would be totally devastated, people would run in panik and civilisation would mostly disappear. We're in a very poor equilibrium with the universe, we should enjoy our life more and stop destroying the planet so much. We're lucky enough to have it like this and be able to live on it.

In Topic: What are your favorite 5 PC games of all time?

14 May 2011 - 11:16 AM

Ok this is my top 5 played and favourite PC games :

1.World of Warcraft
2.League of Legends
3.Need for Speed ( series )
4.Counter Strike 1.6 and Source

In Topic: Favorite game

14 May 2011 - 11:14 AM

There are so many exciting games to choose from and honestly I cannot decide. I really love CoD and Left 4 Dead, these games are the best for me ! :)

In Topic: Windows 7

13 May 2011 - 08:55 AM

I agree, Windows 7 is the future. XP is still better for some applications, but the latest computers run with Windows 7 and it will be eventually implied on every system. XP's time is over :).