We'll be hosting an event on GameOn365 Minecraft tomorrow (Saturday) night! All players are invited to join us for a fun and exciting night of competition in battlegrounds, slaughtering mobs in the dungeon, racing through hardcore parkour, and the launch of a creative building contest. All of this will be streamed live, so if you'd like to be seen by others in the live stream and highlight videos, be sure to join us! You can also watch the stream at http://twitch.tv/nickg365. You'll be able to win prizes such as one-week VIP subscriptions, extra bonus item rolls, and games on Steam.
We'll be starting at approximately:
* 8PM Eastern Time
* 7PM Central Time
* 6PM Mountain Time
* 5PM Pacific Time
We hope to see you there!
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Join us for battlegrounds, dungeoneering, parkour, and more tomorrow night!
Started by Nick Admin, Feb 08 2013 06:53 PM
Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:53 PM
GameOn365 Administrator, Community Manager, and Lead Web Software Developer
Minecraft Server Administrator, Developer, and Support Team Lead
Minecraft Server Administrator, Developer, and Support Team Lead
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