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Peace summit building contest

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Kumarin Admin


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The GameOn365 Minecraft server will be hosting a building contest starting on June 9th, 12:00AM EST and ending on June 17th at 11:59PM EST.

IP: mc.gameon365.net
  • The objective:
  • The goal in this contest is to build the nicest looking, most appealing structure possible, pertaining to the subject. The project for this contest is a "Peace Summit Conference Hall" similar to the UN building (Does not have to look like the UN building.) The contest will be judged by the GameOn365 staff members on Monday morning, June 17th. All styles and techniques are welcome, and winners will be rewarded.
  • The prize:
  • The top three buildings selected by the GameOn365 staff, and the creators will be given special prizes including:
  • Steam Game Keys
  • VIP rank on our server (many cool commands and permissions)
  • In-game prizes, diamonds, armor etc.
  • The first prize winner will get the rank of "Builder" on our server, entitling you to multi-world creative mode, and even more permissions and commands, as well as 2 Steam Game Keys of your choice.

  • Entry and rules:
  • To enter, you must first register on our website, http://gameon365.net after registering, you need to verify in game with the command /ws verify <EmailAddress> When you have successfully linked your account, ask a staff member, admin (@) or mod (%) to gain access to the creative world.
  • The rules:
    • Our normal creative building rules will apply, these can be found with the commands: /rules creative and /rules creative 2. In addition to our normal rules, the following will apply:
    • Only 1 builder per project, unless authorized by an administrator(@)
    • No copying or griefing of other projects
    • No client mods whatsoever
  • Breaking one or more rules will result in disqualification and a possible ban.
We look forward to seeing what Planet Minecraft has to offer us! I'm sure we will not be disappointed!

For more information send me a private message or email me at: scott@gameon365.netcontacting me in game is also acceptable
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I signed up, my IGN is MrMinecraft2032.

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