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Welcome to the Hotel Royale Rares database. Here you can view previous, current, and upcoming rares; as well as their cost, approximate release dates, and other information. You can also search for a rare by name to see if it has been released in the past, or will be released in the near future. Keep in mind that some rares are re-released under certain circumstances.

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  Item Name Cost In Catalog? Release Date (Approx.) # Sold Approx Value

Purple Dragon Lamp

50 No 1256

Dragon Egg

100 No 930

Red Silk Pillow

50 No 1568

Violet Inflatable Chair

50 No 961

Cherry Ice Cream Machine

50 Yes 717

Mars Smoke Machine

50 No 966

Black Laser Gate

50 No 1086

Petal Patch

25 No 2160


100 No 1700

Royale Turntable

100 No 1244

Speaker's Corner

75 No 540

Cola Machine

50 No 556