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Suddenly, Zombies

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TheArkitect Staff


    Minecraft Server Staff

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  • 5 posts
You are sitting home at your computer, reading this post, when suddenly you are informed by your friend that zombies are, indeed, on the loose. You look to the nearest window, or go down/up a floor to find a window at ground level. Taken by surprise, the undead are already after your scent, and a rotting corpse breaks through the window you glance out of and comes after you. You flee to your computer room and lock the door behind you, the undead hot on your trail, and soon claws begin to scrape on your door, and it becomes clear that you won't stay safe forever.

Look around the room. One item is your weapon.

What do you do?

One does not simply cease to imagine. If you think you no longer have an imagination, you're imagining things.

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