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Boosting Activity: Forum Maintenance

- - - - - forum maintenance league of legends

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TheArkitect Staff


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The forums have been sitting rather unused for the most part as of late, and I would like to propose a little addition- and perhaps some cleanup- to inspire some more activity in the forums.

The format for the entire board is very well done, however I fear that there is just so much space to post that many don't know where to start. Whether forums are removed or not due to inactivity is up to the administrators, but I would like to propose some suggestions to perhaps make things a little more user-friendly to the everyday poster.

While the GameOn365 forum group itself is a great header, I feel that the groups that would gather the most discussion are much farther down, so much so that there are many who don't even see them because they're so far down on the page. I suggest moving Gaming, Technology and Computers, and Off-Topic above some of the more unused groups such as GameOn365 Services and Game Development and Private Servers. Doing this will make the more general discussion groups easier to access and the more specific groups farther down for those who wish to make use of them.

Also, I noticed there are some areas in which no discussion ever arose at all, such as Crysis and Halo in the Gaming group. Moreso, in this group in general, I suggest adding a League of Legends subforum. I know there are many on this forum who currently play League (yes, even Nick) and when those incredible comebacks or landslide games happen that make us all warm and fuzzy inside, what better to do than show it off to everyone else? It could also have a section where people give their critiques and opinions about champions and playstyles, and in general help each other out to become better summoners.

Just some thoughts.

Edited by TheArkitect, 20 March 2013 - 04:28 PM.


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Nick Admin


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I began reorganizing some of the forums recently and removed many of the categories that had very few or no posts in them, as well as ones that were related to projects that are no longer active.  I'll be continuing with some less drastic changes over the next few weeks.

GameOn365 Administrator, Community Manager, and Lead Web Software Developer
Minecraft Server Administrator, Developer, and Support Team Lead

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: forum, maintenance, league of legends

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